Sunday, May 1, 2011

Guest Feature~~~Ol' Man Rupples's Carne Asada Tacos


So I have decided that I will occasionally have guest features from friends and family of the fabulous things that they eat/make. I am only one person and my eating adventures can get boring I'm sure so this is a fun way to incorporate all of my followers. Please send me anything you want to share on Muffin Topzz and you never know- you might just make this blog!!!

Today I am featuring Ol' Man Rupple's Carne Asada tacos- courtesy of Garrett! And I quote "Muffin Topzz hasn't tasted anything till they taste some carne asada tacos from Ol' Man Rupple!" Keith your tacos look good! I am jealous!!!

Haha thanks Garrett, Colleen and Keith- if only computers had smell 'o' vision!

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