Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Catching Up

Last Thursday, in lieu of going to the food truck gathering with Jackson, we went to my oldest sister, Andie's house for dinner. Andie and her husband, Brian, invited Jackson, my mom and I over for dinner so after work I picked up the little man and we headed over to their house.

Andie is an amazing cook, as I have said before. This dinner was no different. PS- you will note the place mats. My mom has this thing about place mats and napkins. It's funny because even if we are having a really casual dinner you can be sure to did place mats and napkins close by.

Above, is a tomato, avocado, corn salad. It was lightly seasoned, then had oil and vinegar poured on it. It was simple, crisp, and delicious. I love love love tomatoes, and avocados. During summer a fresh cold crispy salad, lettuce or not is always something I love to eat.

Potatoes, seasoned and baked in the oven. I am not a huge potato lover but I did eat these. I'm Switzerland on these potatoes. They weren't good or bad, just not my flavor.

A very wise person once told me that a good vegetable is cooked and served with it's crunch, or snap if you will, still in tact. That person was Andie and she has made me a snob about my veggies. Here are some asparagus, roasted on the BBQ drizzled in olive oil and lightly seasoned. They tasted really good and had the perfect amount of crunch in tact.

The protein which was served was pork chops. They were BBQed and served hot off the grill. The thing for me about pork chops is that I really enjoy them with a sweet sauce. I don't know why but I feel like pork chops have a hint of bitter to them and I like them to be served with a sweet sauce. My mom makes an incredible apple pork chop and one of my favorite dinners in the world is Andie's apricot pork loin with mashed potatoes and a salad.
All in all would I ever cook a pork chop for Myself? No. I wouldn't. If I were going to all that trouble, I'd rather eat meat. But for someone else to cook dinner and invite Jackson and I over for dinner- I couldn't be happier to be an invited guest!

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